Tim Raue Kinder: Ein Blick auf das Familienleben des renommierten Kochs 2023


Tim Raue is undoubtedly one of the most famous chefs in Germany. With his culinary talent, he has made a name for himself on the international cooking scene. But away from the glittering world of star cuisine, many people are interested in his private life, especially in relation to his family and children. In this blog post we take a closer look at Tim Raue’s children’s family, his wife Katharina Wolschner and whether the couple has children.

tim rough children

Tim Raue Height and Height:

Tim Raue is not only great in culinary terms, but also physically. With an imposing height, he has an impressive presence not only in the kitchen, but also in the truest sense of the word.

Tim Raue Net Worth:

Tim Raue’s net worth reflects his success in the world of gastronomy. He has amassed considerable financial wealth throughout his career through his restaurants, cookbooks, and media exposure.

Tim Raue Age:

Tim Raue, born on October 20, 1974, has established himself over the years as one of the most influential chefs in Germany. His age shows that experience and passion in gastronomy are not a question of youthful madness.

Net worth, Tim Raue:

Tim Raue Kinder’s fortune is a result of his successful career in the catering industry. It includes income from restaurants, book sales, TV appearances and other business ventures.

Does Tim Raue have children:

One of the most burning questions regarding Tim Raue Kinder’s personal life is whether he has children. Here we will shed light on the darkness and shed light on the top chef’s family situation.

Tim Raue’s girlfriend Katharina Wolschner:

Tim Raue’s life partner is Katharina Wolschner. As the partner of a successful chef, she is in the spotlight. We take a closer look at their relationship and their role in Tim Raue’s life.

tim rough children

Tim Raue Partner:

Tim Raue’s partnership is not only a private matter, but also a professional one. As a team, Tim Raue and his partner, Katharina Wolschner, share not only their private lives, but also professional interests.

Katharina Wolschner Wikipedia:

Katharina Wolschner is a strong, independent personality who is not only Tim Raue’s partner, but also a successful entrepreneur and an important pillar in his living and working environment.

However, all information about her is not easily accessible as she prefers to keep her private life away from the public. Despite her desire for privacy, we know that she plays a crucial role in Tim Raue Kinder’s success story.

It is important to emphasize that Katharina Wolschner and Tim Raue work as a team and pursue their culinary goals together. They support each other in achieving their professional goals and help create a harmonious balance between their personal and professional lives. Despite the challenges that come with living in the public eye, they seem to have built a strong and supportive partnership.

Tim Raue married:

The question of whether Tim Raue is married is often asked. Here we clarify whether the couple has tied the knot or not.

Tim Raue girlfriend:

Katharina Wolschner is not only Tim Raue’s life partner, but also his girlfriend. Common interests and support characterize their relationship.

Tim Raue’s wife:

When it comes to legal binding, the question arises about Tim Raue Kinder’s wife. Find out more about the renowned chef’s family status.

Katharina Wolschner Age:

Katharina Wolschner, Tim Raue Kinder’s long-time partner, largely keeps her age and date of birth out of the public eye. Since she prefers to stay in the background and lead a more private life, these details are not widely known. Nevertheless, she is an integral part of Raue’s life and career and plays a crucial role in his success.

tim rough children

Although her exact age is unknown, Katharina Wolschner’s presence and maturity shows that she and Tim Raue are a strong team in both their personal and professional lives. She stands firmly by his side and supports him in his entrepreneurial endeavors while pursuing her own career and private interests. Together they embody a modern partnership based on mutual respect and support.

Katharina Wolschner:

Aside from Tim Raue Kinder, Katharina Wolschner also has her own identity. Who is she and how did she shape her own career?

Ms Tim Raue:

Katharina Wolschner is not only the partner, but also the wife of Tim Raue Kinder. Together they form a strong unit in their private and professional lives.

Marie-Anne Raue children:

Marie-Anne Raue is the daughter of Tim Raue Kinder. A look at the top chef’s family reveals how children enrich the successful restaurateur’s life.

Tim Raue family:

Tim Raue’s family is an important part of his life. Find out more about the dynamics and the people who make up his personal happiness.

Tim Raue Katharina Wolschner:

Tim Raue and Katharina Wolschner form a strong partnership, both privately and professionally. They complement each other not only in their love of cuisine and gastronomy, but also in their shared pursuit of excellence and innovation in their respective professions. Their union is an example of a couple supporting each other and working together to achieve their shared and individual goals.

tim rough children

Katharina Wolschner, although she is less well-known than her partner, is an important pillar in Tim Raue’s life and career. As an entrepreneur, she plays an active role in the gastronomy industry and contributes to the continuous development and improvement of their joint gastronomic projects. Despite the challenges that life in the public eye brings, they remain strong and committed to achieving their dream and conquering the culinary world together.

Tim Raue Wikipedia:

For a comprehensive biography and further information about Tim Raue Kinder, Wikipedia offers a detailed look into his career and life.

Tim Raue’s wife:

Katharina Wolschner is not only Tim Raue’s partner, but also his wife. Together they shape not only the culinary but also the personal life of the top chef.

Sophia Thomalla net worth:

It is worth noting that Sophia Thomalla, a German actress, has been linked to Tim Raue. Here we take a quick look at her net worth and her relationship with Tim Raue.

Tim Raue wife:

In summary, it can be said that Tim Raue Kinder’s wife, Katharina Wolschner, is not only his life partner, but also an important support in his successful life.

frequently asked Questions

Does Tim Raue have children?

Yes, Tim Raue has a daughter named Marie-Anne Raue.

Is Tim Raue married?

Yes, Tim Raue is married to Katharina Wolschner.

How tall is Tim Raue?

Tim Raue has an impressive height, which gives him an imposing appearance. However, specific centimeter measurements are not publicly known.

What role does Katharina Wolschner play in Tim Raue’s life?

Katharina Wolschner is not only Tim Raue’s life partner, but also his wife. It is an important support in both personal and professional areas.

What information does Wikipedia offer about Tim Raue and Katharina Wolschner?

Wikipedia offers detailed information about Tim Raue’s children’s career, his restaurants and his successes in the catering industry. You can also find information about Katharina Wolschner about her life and career there.


In this blog post, we took a comprehensive look into Tim Raue Kinder’s life, from his impressive height to his family and relationship with Katharina Wolschner. It shows that behind the successful chef is not only a culinary genius, but also a close-knit family life.

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Nabeel Mughal
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